Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A Bathing Suit's Worst Nightmare-Cellulite

Sorry guys, this post is more for the women =) . With Summer approaching fast, most of us dread putting on a bathing suit. I have realized that even women that are very thin can sometimes have an awful thing called cellulite. Women tend to have cellulite more than men because women don't have as much muscle mass in their legs. Sadly, cellulite isn't the easiest thing to rid of on your body. It's simply the result of subcutaneous fatty tissue pressing upward through the connective tissue of the dermis. More than 90% of women develop some cellulite after puberty. We all can minimize the appearance of this cottage cheese mess on our bodies with consistent exercise, avoiding processed foods, drinking lots of water to eliminate toxins, and also reducing salt intake. Also, the more lean muscle mass you have, the more calories you burn, even at rest, and the more subcutaneous fat you'll use as fuel. Isn't it great news to hear we CAN minimize the appearance of this nasty stuff that makes us look lumpy. Click on this link to watch a great workout to help tighten up your butt and legs to create more lean muscle mass on your bottom side! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0N9hBu5FIM&feature=player_embedded#at=47

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